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Terms and Conditions.

Upon booking with The Pilates Zone, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined below.If you do not agree to these terms please seek alternative training.


By taking part in an online Pilates class, you fully understand that your teacher is not able to offer any personal correction; you agree to take responsibility for your own body; you agree not to perform any exercises or movements that may cause you discomfort; and you confirm that you are fit and able to join the class. You must ensure that you are working in a safe environment and that you are able to clearly see and/or hear your teacher in order to follow instructions. It is your responsibility to let the teacher know before the class if you have any injuries or anything which will affect your ability to exercise that day. By joining the class you automatically agree to waive all statutory rights against your teacher.




  1. Currently, the minimum purchase for our Pilates classes is a block booking of six sessions.  If you book a block and miss a session you are able to join one of the other groups on the same day. Remember that your space and taught session remain empty if you cannot attend.

  2. Currently, the minimum purchase for our Pilates classes is a block booking of six sessions.Please note that we pay rent for your space whether or not you attend. If payment is not received prior to the start of the classes it will be assumed that you no longer require your place and it will be offered to those waiting for a place unless alternative arrangements are made beforehand.

  3. If you book a block and, for whatever reason, you are unable to attend your usual class, you can join any of the other classes we run subject to availability. If an alternative class is offered and you decline to attend, you will effectively lose the value of that session. The value of the missed session cannot be used against your next six-week block.

  4. Should, The Pilates Zone cancel a session due to unforeseen circumstances, we will offer either a refund for the session (at a pro-rata rate to which you paid) or provide you with the opportunity to join a different, available class. Alternatively, we can offer a discount on your next block booking should you prefer.

  5. Disruption, Under our terms and conditions should an attending member cause disruption which affects others from receiving professional tuition we shall serve a notice asking that member to leave and any unattended classes shall be refunded in full.

  6. Disclaimer: By taking part in an online Pilates class, you fully understand that your teacher is not able to offer any personal correction; you agree to take responsibility for your own body; you agree not to perform any exercises or movements that may cause you discomfort; and you confirm that you are fit and able to join the class. You must ensure that you are working in a safe environment and that you are able to clearly see and/or hear your teacher in order to follow instructions. It is your responsibility to let the teacher know before the class if you have any injuries or anything which will affect your ability to exercise that day. By joining the class you automatically agree to waive all statutory rights against your teacher.

  7. Safety. In the interest of personal safety it is imperative that members join classes and warm up as instructed within the first 10 minutes of a class starting. Entry to classes will not be allowed after this period.

  8. Payment. Six week sessions reduce the overall cost of your training. We do not offer refunds but offer alternative classes subject to availability.

  9. You MUST have a one to one session with your trainer and MUST complete a health quetionairre before attending any classes.

  10. There are no Drop in classes. 

  11. Payment. Upon notification that the 6 week session is due for payment, it MUST be received within 7 days.After 7 days it will be presumed that you no longer want your place and it will be re-issued to those on the waiting list.

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