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Pilates Classes.

Before looking at class times days and locations no one is allowed to attend any class without first having a one to one session with your trainer. In addition you MUST complete a health questionairre prior to any classes this is a legal requirement. 

Classes are held at the following times days and locations. 


Monday       6.00pm St Columba Church, Crosspool,Sheffield.

Tuesday       6.00pm and 7.00pm Stephen Hill,Church building,Crosspool,Sheffield.

Wedneday  5.00pm and 6.00pm and 7.00pm Wesley Hall Crookes,Sheffield.


If you are unable to attend your class, subject to spaces, you will be given alternative class locations subject to availability.


Prices. Currently to reduce costs all sessions are 6 week sessions and when due payment is strictly within 7 days

Should payment not be received within 7 days it will be presumed you no longer want your place and it will be allocated those on the waiting list. If you miss your class you will be offered an alternative class subject to availability. If you fail to turn up to your class the portion of rent still needs to be paid and therefore alternative classes are offered.




Pilates helps build a strong core from which one can transition into new positions and exercises. This flow centers around control and precision, with a diversity of exercises and modifications to suit a range of levels from beginner to advanced. Pilates is a course that feels good and fits with every healthy lifestyle.

Pilates Work Out


Focus on the present moment. Among its benefits, Pilates helps improve many aspects of your life, including reaction time and short term memory. Those who have tried Pilates become more relaxed and less distracted by their fleeting thoughts, demonstrating an enhanced ability to solve problems and retain and recall information better.

Pilates Stretches


Pilates is based on the belief that mental and physical health are interrelated, and should be conditioned together.Pilates classes at The Pilates Zone attempt to coordinate breathing and physical movement, improve focus and concentration, and help participants regain control of their body and mind.

Women Stretching
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