My Story
I did not start out in the fitness industry. For almost 40 years, I was a health professional working as a nurse, midwife, health visitor and public health specialist within the NHS. At the age of 7 years old my mum was told I had juvenile arthritis. The treatment in those days was to 'rest' and I was not allowed to take part in any physical activity sessions at school. The result of this was that my joints got stiffer and stiffer! When I reached senior school and no one knew me I took up every sport there was including running which I still do today. I am never likely to break any world records but as a very keen (if increasingly slower) runner I have completed numerous half, full, and ultra marathons in the UK and abroad. I love cycling and used to cycle to and from work every day. In 2016 I completed my first triathlon and because I am quite short I managed to get stuck in the pool as there were no steps to climb out! I managed to come fourth from last but I had a massive smile plastered across my face. I loved every minute of it!
As a runner I know only too well the benefits of Pilates and the way regular Pilates has enabled me to maintain flexibility over the years. I am passionate about encouraging others to maintain their health and fitness levels and showing them how they too can build physical activity into their day to day life.
I retrained as a Pilates Teacher and obtained the Diploma in Pilates in 2017.
My hope is that others will take up the a new challenge of Pilates and grow to love it as much as I do.
DMLockley. RGN.RM.HVC.BA(Hons)MSC Public Health. Dip Pil.